Secondly, Jeff Deck and Benjamin D. Herson are my heroes.
The true account of two guys traipsing around the country in search of and correcting typos is the premise of this book, but it's also so much more. Before I get ahead of myself, here's the gist: Jeff Deck is a science fiction nerd (note: "nerd" is used as an endearing term) who decides one day, after being bombarded by spelling errors, punctuation gone awry, and article/noun disagreements displayed on public signs, businesses, and store fronts, that it's time for a change. He and Benjamin D. Herson traveled across the country fixing everything from restaurant signs to museums to National Park property -- where they meet friendly store clerks, stubborn cafe owners, and unhappy authorities.
Deck and Herson discovered something very significant along the way: America wasn't just having trouble with grammar; our country was lacking in the communication skills department. After all, language is used to convey, transcribe, and send a message. If society doesn't have a firm grasp on the basics, how are we to thrive (both socially and economically)?
There you have it. The Great Typo Hunt is about more than just typos, it's about communication. I definitely recommend reading this one.