Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Girl Who Chased the Moon

I don't normally read books with covers that look like this.

I don't usually read books with titles like The Girl Who Chased the Moon.

...but sometimes it's nice to read about magical wallpaper and giants and whimsical baking. Just sayin'.

However, whether due to unrealistic expectations or what, I was disappointed with this chick lit. In this book, Allen tends to tell a lot instead of showing a lot, which drives me up a wall. If I get the feeling that a situation is awkward between the characters, I don't need an author to pipe up and say outright, "it was awkward." And another thing: there was way too many women freaking out and seeking comfort in a man/teenage boy's arms. I'm not buying into this idealistic, damsel in distress sense of romance. Seriously.

I also wouldn't normally tell you I've read more by this author. Probably because they're equally girly and cutesy, and not nearly as intellectual as Dostoevsky. But, in this moment of pure and utter honestly, I thought I'd let you know that this isn't as good as Allen's other work.

I hope this doesn't change your view of me too much. I'm still that feminist chick who read Bleak House